Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Blog #7

In Chapter 45, Offred says with passion, " I know this can't be right but I think it anyway. Everything taught at the Red Center, everything I've resisted, comes flooding in. I don't want pain. I don't want to be a dancer, my feet in the air, my head a faceless oblong of white cloth. I don't want to be a doll hung up on the Wall, I don't want to be a wingless angel. I want to keep on living, in any form. I resign my body freely, to he uses of others. They can do what they like with me. I am abject. I feel, for the first time their true power." (286)

I pulled this specific passage out of the book because I found that the language Atwood uses here very interesting. I noticed how she used the word " doll" when referring to their version of lynching on the infamous wall. Why would she use the word "doll", instead of the word "corpse, which is what they really are. In my opinion I think she uses that word because she feels as if the women living in Gilead are not really people at all. They are not considered living people to her because their lives are controlled constantly, as if they were dolls being controlled by an upper hand. in this case, the upper hand may be considered the Eye. She describes in this passage here that she is not free in this world. She uses metaphore here, and compares herself to an angel's wings that have been taken away. I still do not understand why Offred is so submissive to higher powers here after hearing about Ofglen's suicide. She probably is so thankful for being basically saved from Ofglen's suicide, that she decides to go on somewhat of a rant in front of us readers.

Definition of the word "abject"

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